- IDIOT – Broder on Obama and Afghanistan – [it is] necessity is to make a decision — whether or not it is right. http://bit.ly/1Taf81 #
- RT @thomaswburr: Sign at Eastern Market: "Al Franken likes this," referring to a salad mix. #
- McLendon – [if the veterans] “believed in God and country . . . they would not come home with PTSD.” http://bit.ly/3QNAi6 #
- Wonderful waste of time – http://bit.ly/22GjpM – I remember how impressive I thought the graphics were … #
- Is it really Howard Dean's Birthday? Happy Birthday Dr. Gov. Best DNC Chair EVER Howard Dean! #
- Go mark this review as "helpful" – because it is – http://www.amazon.com/review/R35WSCBIWF503D/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm #
- Watching 80's videos on VH1 Classic – for every Modern English, there is a Sammy Haggar. Reactions from "Ahhh" to "Ugg" #
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