I got this email from The Sidetrack’s Jason Williams (JasonThe):
Thanks to everyone who endorsed my Democracy for America scholarship application. I’m excited to tell everyone that I have been selected, and will be traveling to Pittsburgh, PA for the Netroots Nation conference, August 13-16. I’m sending a link to the scheduled training/seminar events listed (so far) at the Netroots Nation site for feedback on what events people would most like me to attend or feel would be the most useful (obviously the “Turning Red States Blue” event listed is a no brainer, heh).
From what I’m told, it’s possible to live blog / tweet every event, and I will leave every event overwhelmed and with a gigantic stack of training materials to bring home. There will be more events listed on the agenda over the next few weeks. Also, as I’m attending as a DFA “scholar,” there will be some additional events/volunteer work required by DFA themselves that I will post on the blog as soon as I have information.
Thanks again for all the nice things written. I’m still blushing.
- Jason
Take a look at Jason’s DFA profile page to see who said nice things abaout him.