You know, it makes you wonder if they’ll pay Utah any attention. Seriously – our democratic candidates are constantly disregarded by the national fund raising efforts due to their right wing issues stances that they think they need to compete (even if fund raising reports totally prove this false) or due to the Blue-Dog status of our Congressman.
I’d like to think that they’d help out an actual liberal candidate here in the Beehive state, I just don’t hold a lot of hope.
From the NYT:
WASHINGTON — A group of liberal bloggers say they are teaming up with organized labor and to form a political action committee that will seek to push the Democratic Party further to the left.
Soliciting donations from their readers, the bloggers say they are planning to recruit candidates to challenge the more centrist Democrats now in Congress, known as “blue dogs.”
The formation of the group is another step in the evolution of the blogosphere, which has proven effective at motivating party activists to give money and time to political campaigns, especially in local races. – Read the REST HERE
I have a vested, and biased interest in my hope that they don’t giggle up their sleeves at good liberal candidates in Utah. With the state party’s shift to middle right this last election cycle, our Democratic candidates are having a harder time than ever fund raising. When you add that to the avoidance of New Media by most of those involved in making decisions, the handicap against Utah Dems is gigantic.