No more misters right of center.
Warchol (who never links here) has the story –

Congressman Jim Matheson, Utah’s top Democrat, is seriously honked off at Republican state legislators who are trying to cut a back-door deal with EnergySolutions to import overseas nuke waste to its dump near Tooele. EnergySolutions, which has contributed to virtually every Utah lawmakers, is offering to spit the $2 billion in dumping fees with the cash-starved state.
I am outraged that Utah legislators would even consider allowing our state to become the universal dumping ground for the world’s nuclear garbage, and I know most Utahns share my anger.
Matheson joins Republican Gov. Jon Huntsman in outrage. Huntsman says:
Our position is abundantly clear. Let’s just say that the price the state pays for being a dumping ground lasts forever. The recession will not.
The governor is exagerating. The low-level waste EnergySolutions is talking about is only hot for a couple generations of Utahns.