So, your beloved is the victim of malpractice? Here’s your condolences, good luck on your law suit.

Wait … what? You’re gay? Oh, well, burn in hell, you can’t have the rights that everyone else has because, as Republicans, we hate you.

Senator Chris Buttars, with Gayle Ruzika’s hand firmly grasping  his controls through his sizable backside, led the fight to punish gays for having the audacity to think that they should have the rights and privileges that other, straighter Americans have.

For the love of God, someone show me where Jesus said that this intolerance was ok?

And for the sake of sanity, I offer this advice to Republicans: Just because nearly everything you do is sneaky, obfuscate and holds and ulterior motive doesn’t mean that everyone acts that way. Quit looking for sneaky everywhere.

If a doctor, nurse of hospital was responsible for the death of your beloved straight spouse due to malpractice, you get to sue. The surviving member of a gay couple really can’t. That’s what they wanted. And what did you do? You once again, speaking as a FAKE CHRISTIAN, cheapened their love; their grief and their humanity.

The painful part for me is – when you show up in hell, you’ll actually be surprised.