Gizmodo explains, in what will inevitably be one of it’s last posts, seeing as how the SkyNet will be seizing control later tonight.

Right, so this is a weird one: we’re getting tons of reports—tons—about failing Zune 30s. Apparently, the players began freezing at about midnight last night, becoming totally unresponsive and practically useless. The crisis has been dubbed by Zune users ‘Z2K9’, due to the apparently synchronized faceplantings across the country. […]

This report is consistently corroborated by literally hundreds of others across the various Zune support and fan forums.

What hasn’t emerged yet, largely due to the fact that MS’s support lines aren’t yet open for the day, is why these devices are failing. The evidence seems to point to a software glitch, but simple resets aren’t providing any relief. Some reports indicate that only Zunes with the latest firmware are affected, but this hasn’t yet been confirmed.  Read More …

I’ve got six different computers running in my office at this very moment, so, I’m pretty much screwed when the robots turn our electronics against us.
