From CBS4, I find A GIANT RED FLAG regarding the FISA bill. A waving red flag, with fireworks and TORNADO SIRENS , FOG HORNS AND LIGHTHOUSES and all that kind of HEY HEY HEY, PAY ATTENTION, BAD STUFF IS HAPPENING! Ok, are you ready … ?
President Bush praised Congress earlier Friday for moving forward on the bill, saying “it will help our intelligence professionals learn enemies’ plans for new attacks.”
Hey! Democrats! Let me repeat a little chunk of that last bit …
President Bush praised Congress earlier Friday for moving forward on the bill
That is followed by this:
Bush also said he was pleased that Congress was moving forward on “a responsible war funding bill” for Iraq that supports the troops in the field without requiring “artificial timetables” for their withdrawal.
Hey, Democrats, when Bush says good job, that means you screwed up, you silly, spineless, worthless, un-American assholes.