It was the one of the darkest years in American History …
The dark prince of the GOP and his trusty ventriloquist’s dummy were gearing up to stumpf**k the American people by winning another election; once again showing that the GOP has no shame, conscience and no level to which it will not sink in lies, misinformation, terror and bullsh*t to win an election ….
In Utah, Jim Matheson and his campaign were hiding from Democrats … Chris Cannon was asking illegal immigrants to register to vote and crowning Reverend Moon as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (seriously, I’m not kidding), and Rob Bishop was … well, not doing much of anything, really. All three “men” won proving yet again that most Utah voters have the electoral flavor of battered wife syndrome.
Oh, and This Happened: UPD was born. Behold the dark, yet strangely high pitched voice of LaVarr Webb:
I wasn’t watching the date (four years of getting up at 4 a.m. to compile UPD destroys a few brain cells) and missed the 4-year anniversary of Utah Policy Daily. We’ve been publishing since May 7, 2004. So eat some cake today.
CAKE!?! Diabolical!
Happy birthday, you right winged chuckle-monkeys. I wish I could quit you, but there I am, reading every morning. That you guys survived the “revamping” of both the Trib and the Des News websites added to the MS Frontpage flavor of the Standard and the Herald is truly evidence that you’ve sold your souls to Sith Lord Cheney … or something.