From the NY Times Op/Ed, Frank Rich breaks down a pretty solid analysis of just why Hillary is in the weeds today, instead of the presumptive nominee.
I’m of the opinion that, nationally, the people working for her are pretty much like the ones she’s got here in Utah; Incompetent. Clinton’s campaign is full of cocky, arrogant and, ultimately condescending chuckleheads who have talked down to Democrats over the last 18 months and don’t know how to actually run a campaign on any level. They were preachy and proud, cocksure and, it turns out, annoying as hell.
This flawed and moronic messaging is why her campaign is having to fight, and choosing to fight dirty. It’s sad, when you think about it. She had a giant lead, and she blew it, because she has a national staff of condescending (irony blind) dipshits working for her. Now, those dipshits are sitting in campaign rooms, stealing ideas from the Republican Dirty Tricks Book, and red-lining the throttle on her downward spiral.
WHEN people one day look back at the remarkable implosion of the Hillary Clinton campaign, they may notice that it both began and ended in the long dark shadow of Iraq.
It’s not just that her candidacy’s central premise — the priceless value of “experience” — was fatally poisoned from the start by her still ill-explained vote to authorize the fiasco. Senator Clinton then compounded that 2002 misjudgment by pursuing a 2008 campaign strategy that uncannily mimicked the disastrous Bush Iraq war plan. After promising a cakewalk to the nomination — “It will be me,” Mrs. Clinton told Katie Couric in November — she was routed by an insurgency.
You can’t take voter’s for granted, Hill. That’s a guaranteed road toward pissing off the electorate. So, what do you do when your dipshits lead you into trouble?
The Clinton camp was certain that its moneyed arsenal of political shock-and-awe would take out Barack Hussein Obama in a flash. The race would “be over by Feb. 5,” Mrs. Clinton assured George Stephanopoulos just before New Year’s. But once the Obama forces outwitted her, leaving her mission unaccomplished on Super Tuesday, there was no contingency plan. She had neither the boots on the ground nor the money to recoup.
Opps. One last touch of stolen text before I ask you to go read the rest HERE:
Clinton fans don’t see their standard-bearer’s troubles this way. In their view, their highly substantive candidate was unfairly undone by a lightweight showboat who got a free ride from an often misogynist press and from naïve young people who lap up messianic language as if it were Jim Jones’s Kool-Aid. Or as Mrs. Clinton frames it, Senator Obama is all about empty words while she is all about action and hard work.
But it’s the Clinton strategists, not the Obama voters, who drank the Kool-Aid. The Obama campaign is not a vaporous cult; it’s a lean and mean political machine that gets the job done. The Clinton camp has been the slacker in this race, more words than action, and its candidate’s message, for all its purported high-mindedness, was and is self-immolating.
Now that certainly spells it out.
Read the rest HERE