Romney Tonight: “But I’m not running on president bush’s record. President bush can talk about his record.” [CNN GOP Debate, 1/30/08]
The Other Mitt:
Romney Praised Bush Tax Cuts At RGA Speech. In a speech at the Republican Governors Association conference in Miami, Romney voiced his support for the Bush tax cuts. Romney said, “Our president … bucked the doomsayers in the Democratic Party and even some in our own party who were telling him that he couldn’t possibly cut taxes,” said Romney, who himself has expressed ambivalence about Bush tax cuts in the past. “But he did exactly that. He cut taxes. And why did he do it? Because he was convinced that … Americans could do a better job getting this country going than government could ever do. And boy was he right.” [Boston Globe, 12/25/06]
Romney Bragged about Support for Bush Tax Cuts. During a November 2006 press conference held in Arizona, Romney outlined differences between himself and McCain. Romney said “he was quicker than McCain to endorse President Bush’s tax cuts.” [East Valley Tribune, 11/14/06]