From the Biden Campaign:

It’s often said that “seeing is believing.”

Thursday night in Des Moines, we held a rally to kick off my Dad’s Caucus Countdown tour — dozens of events scheduled across the state for the final push before Iowa voters report to their caucus precinct.

It was a standing-room-only event, the most recent example of Iowa voters coming out in record numbers to see my dad as they make their decision about who to support on January 3rd. At each of these events, we see attendees stretching capacity and signing up to caucus for him at unprecedented levels.

Click here to make a contribution to our media fund and help us reach even more Iowa voters by keeping our ads on the air. We’re so close to breaking our $700,000 fundraising goal and your contribution could put us over the edge.

The attendance numbers we’re getting from campaign event organizers merely confirm what we already knew: our efforts are having a huge impact, reaching voters and converting undecideds. Please consider making a contribution to the campaign right now to help us keep it going and reach even more Iowa voters before January 3rd.

Click here to contribute $15, $25, $50 or more to our media fund and help us keep our ads on the air in Iowa.

As I travel around Iowa campaigning for my dad, I see supporters’ contributions at work when I arrive at an event with an overflow crowd and hear from excited voters about why they believe in him. It’s the same energy that propelled his underdog Senate campaign to shock the world in 1972.

here are only seven days before the Iowa caucuses, and the events of just the last 24 hours have reminded us of what is at stake in this presidential election. You’ve seen Joe Biden in the Senate and in the debates. You know as I do that he is ready to act on day one as president.

Please contribute today and help us shock the world on January 3rd.

Thank you,

Beau Biden