I appreciate the attention some of you have given my little blog the last couple of days, but, as a link I received from the Utah Policy Daily today illustrates, it’s easy to miss the point. I appreciate the nod, and I thank you, but there are far more important things to worry about. Like the shortage of Marines for Toys for Tots.

Yesterday, while talking about the horrible weekend I had, I wrote a 12 paragraph missive (immediately below) where I told a story about Insurance Companies and Hospitals and the idiocy involved with them. In paragraph 10 or 11, I made a sarcastic pitch about selling t-shirts to help cover the cost of an MRI.

I thought (quite high on Lortab, mind you) that the absurdity of the pitch to sell t-shirts to cover hospital costs when I already have health insurance would help illustrate just how ridiculous a situation America finds herself in with the health care system. I was wrong. It looks, and reads, like I’m just trying to sell a few t-shirts.

I am deeply touched by the emails I’ve received and by the odd fact that links to my post on Health Insurance by Republicans are more than those by Democrats, especially as I so eloquently damned all supply-siders to hell, as it were, and I don’t know any Supply Side Democrats. That was pretty cool, folks, and I thank you.

To the point, though:

As screwed as I am right now, health wise, I would have to sell hundreds of t-shirts to pay for this weekend of concentrated stupid that I just had. Hell, it’d take 65 t-shirts just to get my car fixed, let alone  pay for an MRI.

So, here’s the real pitch: If you want to buy something at the JM Bell store … please do. The money always helps. If you were going to buy something because you want to help me pay for an MRI, then, please, do something else with your money. I appreciate the thought, but, I’d rather you called my friend HMC Laura Sexton at the addresses and phone numbers below, and gave the Marine Corps your support by delivering toys.

Thanks, seriously, thanks,

JM Bell



HMC Laura Sexton

More info HERE