Karl Rove, one of the Sith Lords behind the ascension of the Former Governor of Texas, has been charged today with contempt. Oh, and so is White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, but he’s more of a political dupe and future scapegoat than a Sith Lord (what do the Sith call their trainees?).
From Reuters via TPM:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to hold two top aides to President Bush in contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate in its probe of fired federal prosecutors.
On a largely party-line vote of 11-7, the Democratic-led panel sent contempt citations against White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and former Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove to the full Senate for consideration.
As with many of Bush’s battles with the Democratic-led Senate, the president may ultimately prevail since his fellow Republicans may be able to block the citations with a procedural hurdle.
Bush has claimed executive privilege to protect aides from complying with congressional subpoenas demanding documents or testimony in an investigation into the firing last year of nine U.S. attorneys. The committee has rejected his privilege claim as unfounded.
You know if the Dems hadn’t just rolled over and taken one “Larry Craig Style” on the Defense Bill, I’d be pretty proud about this little happeneing.