According to the Salt Lake Tribune, the race for Salt Lake City Mayor just became a lot better looking.

 OK, election fans, how about a photo finish?

A new Salt Lake Tribune poll shows Salt Lake City mayoral candidates Ralph Becker, Dave Buhler and Jenny Wilson – in that order – in a statistical dead heat to replace Rocky Anderson.

With just one weekend separating voters from Tuesday’s primary – in which the top two vote-getters will advance to fall’s finale – a scattershot mayoral horse race promises to have a sizzling stretch run.

The biggest burst has come from Becker, who suddenly leads the field with 26 percent. For weeks, the urban planner and Utah House Democratic leader has maintained the Wilson/Buhler lead seemed soft and that his campaign had the momentum.

Today’s numbers may prove his point.

Still, the poll puts Buhler just a percentage point behind Becker with 25 percent and Wilson two behind with 24 percent.

I love a nice, wild ride toward election day. In conversation, I’ve always said that Rep. Becker’s door to door work, along with his messaging would move his numbers up as the days rolled on. He doesn’t get frantic and he doesn’t use cheap tricks to try and get ahead. In a race like this (unlike most races in Utah) that’s the sort of thing that pays off. He’s GENUINE.