The “Legal Reason” for the commutation of Scooters sentence was that Bush considered the sentence too extreme. Bush thinks that Scooter has been unfairly treated and should be forgiven. When you look at Bush’s past, however, there doesn’t ever seem to be an example where Bush thought this way. Ever.

Bush’s record as governor of Texas was certainly not one of forgiveness, nor one of sympathy for excessive sentencing. During his reign of terror as Governor of Texas, he rarely even read the clemency petitions of death row inmates (152 executions during his two terms as governor).

Also, while he was Governor, Bush wrote in his autobiography A Charge to Keep “I don’t believe my role is to replace the verdict of a jury with my own.”

With one subpoena after another being shot from the Hill, this is just Bush’s way of proving to his henchmen that he will cover their asses if they lie to Congress in order to protect his corrupt administration.

And now, it should come as no surprise, he’s planning on giving Libby a pardon.

Bush Refuses to Rule Out Libby Pardon – WaPo

Nixon was a saint.