There’s a screwy story over at Judicial Watch about an incident that occurred just days after the 9/11 attacks. It seems that, even while every airport in America was closed for security reasons due to the terrorist attacks, the White House cleared flights to zip all over the United States and then leave American Soil carrying certain Saudi Roayls and other folks.

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released new documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) related to the “expeditious departure” of Saudi nationals, including members of the bin Laden family, from the United States following the 9/11 attacks. According to one of the formerly confidential documents, dated 9/21/2001, terrorist Osama bin Laden may have chartered one of the Saudi flights.

Wow. Osama, eh? That just sounds kinda … fundamentally insane, right? Wonkette sums it up with far less swear words than I could:

It was all a long time ago and nobody can be expected to remember all the details, but Osama bin Laden is reportedly the guy who did 9/11. It’s good to know the Department of Justice allowed Mr. Bin Laden to send his chartered jet to Los Angeles, Orlando, Boston, Washington to pick up family members, a few days after the September 11 attacks, because nothing bad could come from Osama bin Laden controlling passenger jets in major American cities, right? Right?
