Ethan “Have you seen me?” Millard just broke this story, posting copies of the termination letters of Hill and Lear by A.G. Mark “the First Amendment should be conditional” Shurtleff  at SLCspin:

Here’s a taste:

In an effort to cooperate with the State Office of Education, I appointed you as a Special Assistant Attorney General with the specific charge that you “act on behalf of the Attorney General’s Office.” Recent events have demonstrated that you have failed to carry out that charge. Rather, you have fostered an adversarial and hostile relationship between the State Board of Education and this office by giving advice contrary and inconsistent with advice given by me and others in the Attorney General’s Office.

As a result, your appointment as Special Assistant Attorney General is hereby terminated. I sincerely regret this action but see no alternative under the circumstances.

Read the rest HERE

Nice catch, Ethan. I’ve been listening to Doug Wright all morning and he’s said not a thing about his. Nothing on KSL, KUTV the Trib or the Deseret Morning Republican Newsletter, either, as I write this.