Here’s the letter, from Senator Leahy’s website:

Last fall, Congress eliminated the fundamental right of habeas corpus when it passed the Military Commissions Act. I urge you to reverse this assault on our American legacy of liberty by supporting the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007 (S.185).

The elimination of basic legal rights undermines, not strengthens, our ability to defeat terrorists. It is from strength that America should defend our values and our way of life. It is from the strength of our freedoms, our Constitution, and the rule of law that we can prevail. We can ensure our security without giving up our liberty. We must restore the checks and balances that are fundamental to preserving the values that define us as a great Nation.

It is urgent that we restore our legal traditions and ensure there is a fair and independent check on the ability of any president to lock someone up illegally. I urge you to sign on as a co-sponsor of the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act today.

Here’s the link to send the letter via email to your Senator RIGHT NOW



Jason Craig41 over at The Sidetrack has a fantastic post on this HERE

Crooks and Liars is saying that the bill made it through committee this morning. HERE

I don’t have the vote tally yet, but, it doesn’t stretch the imagination to guess that Crazy Uncle Orrin voted against this. He HATES human rights, civil rights and all that other Constitutional palaver.