You’ll be seeing this other places, I’m sure, but I haven’t seen it on any of the Utah blogs yet.
Rep. Bill Jefferson (D-LA) was indicted on 16 counts of public corruption. If he did it (and I don’t know anyone who thinks he didn’t) then he deserves what he gets. I hope he has an ounce of dignity left and resigns from the House altogether.
This is pretty big news, and, as not a lot of Democrats are facing indictments right now, as I mentioned yesterday, you’d think that FNC would be all over this like a pig in wallow. And they were, in excitable fashion However, the folks at the Fox News Channel can’t seem to tell one African-American from another, even when they’re a member of Congress. Rep. Jefferson from Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, for example:

“Fox News has a history of inappropriate on-air mistakes that are neither fair, nor balanced. This type of disrespect for people of color should no longer be tolerated. I am personally offended by the network’s complete disregard for accuracy in reporting and lackluster on-air apology.”
John Conyers