Whoo Hooo! Today is the day the the Iraqis stand up, so that the US can stand down! Yay!
MSNBC News Services
Updated: 6:23 p.m. MT Nov 30, 2006
AMMAN, Jordan – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Thursday that his country’s forces would be able to assume security command by June 2007 — which could allow the United States to start withdrawing its troops.
“I cannot answer on behalf of the U.S. administration but I can tell you that from our side our forces will be ready by June 2007,” Maliki told ABC television after meeting President Bush on Thursday in Jordan.
Wait a moment, something about this just doesn’t ring true –
WASHINGTON – May 31, 2007
President Bush envisions a long-term U.S. troop presence in Iraq similar to the one in South Korea where American forces have helped keep an uneasy peace for more than 50 years, the White House said Wednesday.The comparison was offered as the Pentagon announced the completion of the troop buildup ordered by Bush in January. The last of about 21,500 combat troops to arrive were an Army brigade in Baghdad and a Marine unit heading into the Anbar province in western Iraq.
Well, that’s not good. You know, this kind of reminds me of something else that popped up again recently, an oldy but a goody from 2005:
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The insurgency in Iraq is “in the last throes,” Vice President Dick Cheney says, and he predicts that the fighting will end before the Bush administration leaves office.
In a wide-ranging interview Monday on CNN’s “Larry King Live,” Cheney cited the recent push by Iraqi forces to crack down on insurgent activity in Baghdad and reports that the most-wanted terrorist leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, had been wounded.
Especially when you compare it to this from a few days ago:
U.S. death rate rising since military ‘surge’
WASHINGTON — Six more U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq, it was reported Thursday, bringing American losses in May to at least 123, making it the deadliest month for coalition forces since Marines battled to drive insurgents from Fallujah in November 2004. It was also the third-deadliest month of the war.
So, maybe, just maybe, some of you out there might consider that there is a little bit of truth to the statement that “no one in the Administration has one damned clue about what the hell is going on” without breaking out the ‘you hate America’ rubber stamps.