Smokin' MSM HottieI’m impressed by this question by Kelly O’Donnell to the President about yesterday’s damning testimony. Here:

O’Donnell: There’s been some very dramatic testimony before the Senate this week from one of your former top justice department officials, who describes a scene that some Senators called stunning about a time when the warrantless wiretap program was being reviewed. Sir, did you send your then chief of staff and White House counsel to the bedside of John Ashcroft, while he was ill to get him to approve of that program and do you believe that kind of conduct from White House officials is appropriate?

It’s fantastic to see a reporter actually attempt to do their job, especially when it’s pretty, redhead O’Donnell. So, you might ask, what was the President’s response to this brave display of Constitutionally Protected actual job doing by a reporter?

Ladies and Gentlemen … Your President!:

“Kelly, there’s a lot of speculation about what happened and what didn’t happen and I’m not going to talk about it.”

You’ll have to excuse me right now, I have to get back to marching around my basement, listening to my box set of J.P. Sousa and training my militia of stuffed Winnie the Pooh characters I recruited from my children’s toy box.

UPDATE: Oh, hey, the Deseret Spectacle has VIDEO, so now you can see today’s MSM Crush in all her “the-way-they-are-supposed-to-behave” action. Action, indeed! CLICKY