I’ve written about this before HERE.
But now we reach a whole new level. I seem to recall that vanity is one of the seven deadly sins, so, this makes Romney’s thick, stew like self-love all the more a stellar example of narcissism in expert form. Here is a tasty tidbit about how very, very pretty Romney and the gang think Romney is. From the The American Prospect:
HOT OR NOT? A reliable G.O.P. source sends in this e-mail from “a colleague … in Iowa” who “just went to see Mitt Romney speak. This is from her, and a piece of campaign literature she picked up at the event:
His promotional flyer says, “In this media-driven age, Romney begins with a decisive advantage. First, he has sensational good looks. People magazine named him one of the 50 most beautiful people in America. Standing 6 feet, 2 inches tall, Romney has jet-black hair, graying naturally at the temples. Women — who will play a critical role in this coming election — have a word for him: hot.”
Now, while the piece wasn’t written by the Romney camp, it IS being reprinted and handed out at Romney events by Romney campaign employees. Don’t get me wrong, here. I’m all for self promotion, look at the name of the blog, for all love (no witty name, no fancy Latin, just me, me, me), but good lord, I don’t think I’ve ever handed out a flier about how ruggedly handsome I am. I know that you all know it already, and there’s no reason to rub it in everyone’s face, right?*
*(see what I did there? I made a joke, so don’t get your undies in bunches)
So, does this mean I can’t support Edwards solely on the fact that I think he’s good looking?
Besides, he has MUCH better hair than Romney.
You can still support Edwards because he has the decency not to brag about being so pretty. Obama, too.