From the Salt Lake Tribune we read:

Up 4.7 percent More kids lack health coverage

The percentage of uninsured Utahns rose to 11.9 percent in 2006, with the largest increases occurring primarily among children, according to the state Department of Health. An estimated 306,500 Utahns lacsked health insurance coverage during calendar year 2006, up 13,700 from the previous year. The number of uninsured children under 18 saw a 4.7 percent increase from 2005 to 2006, the department reported.

Generic Republican Legislator was heard to say:

“Hey, we’ve made inadequate insurance partially available to a much smaller number of children than that need it. C’mon, we’re Republicans, once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life is only until you escape the womb, you know.”

Not only that, but the knuckleheads somehow think that they’re in line for canonization (as opposed to Curtis, Bramble and Bigelow who think they’re in line for UT CD-3 Cannon-ization) for fighting their natural impulses and doing anything for anyone who can’t vote or write a check to their campaigns.

If anything is a glaring reminder of how detached and superficial these bumps in spending are, just take a look at the Disability Waiting List. That is another in a long line of examples of where Republican rhetoric and fact are wildly divergent.

Now, I’m asking a question, because I really don’t know he answer: What ever happened to the bill that would allow the common folks (so unnecessary and unwelcome in the halls of the Legislature) to buy into the PEHP? Can you imagine statewide access to an insurance plan? All those people jumping on board, driving down the costs and … Oh, yeah, gotcha. Well, that wasn’t rocket science.

Carry on, not a damn thing to see here.