I’m linking over to Part of the Plan, who wrote and quoted some interesting information. Now, most of what is written there I’ve not only known for years, but, when working for the Babka Congressional Campaign in 2004 against Chris Cannon, we repeatedly and without pause used similar data to harangue the ignorant press.

The “GOP supports the troops” myth is alive and well embedded in the opinions of the Utah Press (well, about 84% of them). The only new thing about this info is that the DAV is supplying the data instead of a myriad of other Veteran Support organizations.


But let’s not allow something as inconvenient as “history” to interfere with the current popular misconception that Republicans “support the troops” and Democrats don’t. Don’t take my word for it. Listen, instead, to the organization called Disabled American Veterans (DAV)…you know, that non-profit, non-partisan group that looks out for the interests of America’s 2.5 million veterans wounded in war. Here’s how they rank Utah’s congressional delegation:

Chris Cannon: 0 %
Rob Bishop: 0 %
Jim Matheson: 60 %
Orrin Hatch: 33%
Bob Bennett: 17%

See? Pathetic. Utterly, inexcusably and unforgivably pathetic.

Read the rest of Part of the Plan’s post here.