Anyone able to overcome their slight gagging, or rising bile, may have caught Congressman Chris Cannon on the Doug Wright show the other day, once again granted a forum to stick his foot in his mouth and share the hate filled fiction that constitutes his reality.
This time, Cannon set his sights (and elongated, loafer shaped mouth) on Utah’s Muslim community. It’s GOP S.O.P. to point at anything non-Christian and call it evil, plotting and dangerous, and Cannon is ever one to placate the desires of his national party’s race/religious hate speak.
Cannon takes ‘Allah’ quote back – Deseret News
I understand the need to blame someone after a violent tragedy, I really do, but the case of the gun-wielding whackado at Trolley Square is not, according to any official involved, a religiously motivated crime. It was a kid with bad wiring taking out his anger on the innocent public, and, until I hear different from someone with a badge, that’s what I go with.
The subject matter is a tragedy. It’s a wound on the conscience of our state. A disturbed and mentally short circuited man killed a bunch of people in a public place. Where, oh, where, do we find religion as a motive? Cannon says “Fox News”. The police say, “nowhere.” So, Cannon goes with the Fox News angle because their lies more closely match either his GOP talking points, or his internal dialog.
Once again*, Cannon has to run away from his beliefs, not because he doesn’t believe what he said, but because he’s taking political heat for being a loudmouthed, bigoted, hate monger and that is becoming a lot less popular in Utah’s 3rd District.
*”Once again” seems to be the most often used phrase with Mr. Cannon. Remember the blaming the Foley scandal on the children? Remember the minimum wage thing? Remember when he said the we need to frighten the world into democracy with nuclear weapons testing in Nevada? Remember everything else?