Richard Watson – 801/540-3146
Beth Holbrook – 801/867-5558

Concerned Citizens and Taxpayers Press Conference on Vouchers

Salt Lake City, UT – Tomorrow, Thursday, February 1, 2007, 9:00 am, concerned citizens and Taxpayers will be holding a press conference at the State Capitol West Building to discuss Voucher legislation that is due for a floor vote during tomorrow’s legislative session.

Richard Watson: “One of the great things about our state is that our values are very important to us. We believe that by setting up a voucher system would also set up schools with extremist views and practices. This is not what we want without public funds and could be in direct conflict with our values.”

Beth Holbrook: “We need to remind our legislators that our children deserve the best education possible to help them become adults who are able to find jobs, pay taxes and become the next generation of leaders in our state. Students are not a business commodity, they are our children.”

Who: Citizens of Utah
What: Press Conference on voucher legislation
When: 9:00am – Thursday, February 1, 2007
Where: State Capitol
West Building
House Chamber Lobby