For Immediate Release

January 18, 2007

Democrats Pass ‘People’s Agenda’ in First 100 Hours

Washington DC – Today, the Democratic Congress completed their 100 hours agenda and fulfilling their promise to the American people. This past election Democrats ran on an agenda of change, promising to clean up the Republican culture of corruption and provide relief for hard working Americans.

In the first 100 hours of the new Congress, Democrats passed ethics reform that put an end to the pay-to-play culture of Washington which included free gifts and trips from lobbyists. Democrats voted to increase the federal minimum wage for the first time in 10 years, enacted the 9-11 commission’s recommendations to make our nation safer here at home and abroad, voted to expand stem-cell research, allowed government to negotiate prices with prescription drug companies, cut student loan interest rates in half and eliminated billions in subsidies for big oil companies.

While Democrats were hard at work making significant and needed changes in the halls of Congress, Utah Representatives Cannon and Bishop were petulantly voting against the interests of the American citizens and the clear wishes of their Utah constituents. Instead, they are lending their continued, if now ineffective, support to the misguided and shady machinations that represent the former Republican Majority.

“If these first 100 hours are any indication at how effective the Democratic Congress will be at passing legislation important to Utahns, then we are off to an exceptional start,” said Utah Democratic Party Chair, Wayne Holland, Jr. “Congressman Matheson is working harder than ever to ensure that the interests of Utahns are the first priority. For Mr. Cannon and Mr. Bishop to vote against legislation desired by a majority of Utah citizens demonstrates an alarming level of arrogance and vindictive behavior. Now, we just have to hope that our Utah Republicans in the Senate and President Bush to get behind the people’s agenda and to support these important bills.”
