This is a great article in the Washington Post from Dana Milbank.
Just Call Him Tony ‘I Don’t Know’ Snow
Wednesday, December 13, 2006; Page A02
To paraphrase Howard Baker’s immortal question: What didn’t Tony Snow know, and when didn’t he know it?
The answer: A lot, and frequently.
When will President Bush roll out his new Iraq policy? “We do not know,” Snow said at yesterday’s White House briefing.
When did Bush decide to postpone the speech? “I don’t know exactly when,” the president’s press secretary said again.
Has everyone working on the policy read the Iraq Study Group report? “I don’t know,” came the refrain. “I’m assuming — but I don’t know.”
After Snow spoke multiple times of the “urgency” surrounding Iraq, CNN’s Elaine Quijano asked him, innocently, “Tony, what does ‘urgency’ mean?”
“Well, I don’t know,” he said.