For those of you paying attention, The Deseret Morning News gave Joe Cannon, (3 term chairman of the Utah People’s Republic Party, brother to Republican Rep. Chris Cannon and well known hard right wing, hard-partisan [yet surprisingly likable] neo-con), the job of Editor in Chief.
Already, the swing to please the new boss has begun.
The graphic below was attached to a Bob Bernick, Jr. article in the Utah Republican Party Morning News (formerly The Deseret Morning News). It looks like a pretty little graphic, but what stands out, for anyone with an IQ above room temperature, are Bernick’s obviously false and deliberately misleading numbers in the UT-CD3 race. Take a look:
Bernick states in the article:
“Burridge spent only $7,000. For his whole race, Cannon spent $1.16 million, a record re-election total for him.”
Now, while I recognize that Bernick indicated in the graphic that the dollar figures used in the graphic for Burridge (and Pete Ashdown) features an asterisk noting that the totals are taken from the amount of money the candidates had at State Convention (May 2006) in 3 point font.
For more than a month now, before Bernick gifted this goofy, ill-considered gem to his new boss, anyone could have easily found public FEC information that as of October 18th Burridge had raised $55,000 and had spent approximately $47,000 here:
It took less than 10 seconds to find this far more accurate and timely report on the Internet.
And, in the best kept secret in Bernick’s office, you can go to and find any federal candidates’ campaign financing disclosures. Current Ones!
So, congratulations, Joe, it looks like you’re going to have a very easy new job as head of the Republican Party, sorry, the Deseret News.
From the Tuesday December 2nd Deseret Morning News:
Democrat Christian Burridge spent $46,823 on his 3rd District Congressional race according to a pre-general election report. A different amount was included in a Saturday story due to an incorrect electronic filing on the Federal Election Commission Web site. A post-election filing had not been posted as of Monday.
Also, an updated report shows U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Pete Ashdown spent $200,022.