With Democrats entering the 110th Congress with a 51-49 majority in the Senate, many issues will compete for a priority place on the agenda, including investigating the conduct of the Iraq war and implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations.

But when you listen to every Democrat from Kennedy, to presumptive Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to Senator-elect Sherrod Brown (D-OH), there’s no doubt that the Democrats’ longstanding desire to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 will be front and center. That’s an additional $4,400.00 a year to minimum wage earners and their families.

According to Senate analysis, the $4,400.00 would be enough money for a low-income family of three to buy:

  • 15 months of groceries
  • 19 months of utilities
  • 8 months of rent
  • Over two years of health care
  • 20 months of child care
  • 30 months of college tuition at a public, 2 year college

Three times in the last two years, the Republican Party, The People’s Republic Party, has killed this bill. It’ll be enlightening to see the look on the President’s face when he VETO’s this one next year.

Hat tip to Bob Geiger who doesn’t know I stole his stuff.