See, The Utah GOP is a little upset about this internet ad. It seems that they feel that, because the Governor’s approval rating is high, he should be able to get what he wants without anyone calling him on it.

I happen to disagree. Let me point out my reasons.

1. The 70 million came from the state’s education fund.

2. Republican David Ure tried to get Republicans to put it back, because he knew that it shouldn’t have come from the education fund.

3. The legislature is sitting on a giant pile of money, over 300 Million, and yet they can’t cough up 2 Million to help the disabled and the elderly get dental care in one of the special sessions. They took 70 million out of the education fund that will but barely FOUR DOLLARS a month into the pockets of Working Utahns, in another special session.

4. They killed All Day Kindergarten because their Governor made a joke at an out of town dinner. So, they protect the Governor from us, but they beat him up in house? So, is that a case of not wanting to share a political target?

5. One month before the election they pass a sorry and inadequate excuse for a tax rebate, paying for it with money from the education fund.

So, keep it up, Utah GOP, sooner or later, it’s gonna get you.

Oh, and here’s the video again: