For Immediate Release

News Release

Party Over People: New Poll Shows Bishop Out of Touch With First District

October 14, 2006- A new poll released in the Deseret Morning News today shows that Representative Rob Bishop is not listening to his constituents. The poll stated that 45 percent of Bishop’s constituents think that the speaker should resign, while Bishop continues with his party message of support for Hastert.

Steve Olsen released the following statement today:

“I think it’s tragic that the people of Utah’s First district are forgotten in Washington. Rob doesn’t even try to follow the dictates of the people he’s supposed to serve, he would rather let Speaker Hastert make those decisions for him. Rob’s record speaks for itself: he has voted 97 percent of the time with Speaker Hastert, and continues his blind support in spite of the feelings of his constituents. In light of content and severity of information coming out of the investigation, Rob needs to change direction, or get out of the way of justice.

“I have a different idea of how things should work in Government: I am an independent western democrat who knows that government is about the people of Utah and not party over values. People over politics.”