Here is a link to a sad and disgusting story. CLICK HERE. It’s ABC video, so, if a commercial pops up, it’s only about 15 seconds until the news story. Here’s a screen shot.
The story is getting pretty deep for the GOP Leadership with several versions of … Whatever the hell is going on there. The basic fact that the House Republican leadership turned a blind eye for as much as one year after learning that Republican Congressman Mark Foley had engaged in inappropriate and possibly criminal communications with underage Congressional pages, is at least disturbing.
From the BBC article:
It has emerged that Mr Foley’s behavior had been known about for some time by senior colleagues, including the party’s leader in the House.
They are now arguing about how much they knew – but the Democrats and some Republicans have called for the party’s Congressional leaders to step down.
At what point does the need to maintain power, at any sick and twisted cost, cause an outrage from the electorate?
I haven’t had time to listen today, but I wonder how Hannity is spinning this one? Considering that Hannity spent a lot of time on Friday championing and defending (R) Senator Allen’s alleged stuffing of a severed deer head in an African American family’s mail box with a note saying “you’re not welcome here” (or some such), his spin has just got to be surreal.
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