Today’s Utah Policy Daily reports Utah Republicans are planning a “Big Red Whistle Stop Tour” of Iron and Washington Counties “to energize the Republican base…” Participants will include the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and 2nd Congressional District candidate LaVar Christensen.
One can’t help but wonder if this has as much to do with a reenergized Democratic Party in Iron and Washington Counties as with a less than enthusiastic Republican base. For the first time in perhaps decades, both Iron and Washington County feature a full slate of Democratic candidates. Representative Bowman of Legislative District 72 has never faced a challenger except within a Republican Primary. This year he is up against Gulf War I vet and Iron County Democratic Party Chair Larry Daniel. In Senate District 28 Emily Hollingshead is running a campaign that has successfully raised thousands and kept up with her Republican opponent in spending.
In Washington County, all three representatives are facing Democratic challengers. Colt Smith is running in District 71, Michael Small in District 72 and Don Miller in District 75. Of course, Congressman Matheson has been steadily improving his performance in southern Utah and has an excellent shot of carrying both counties this year. US Senate candidate Pete Ashdown has been spending a lot of time in the region as well. Both counties are also fielding candidates for county offices. It appears participants in the “Big Red Whistle Stop Tour” will be seeing a lot more blue faces than they are used to.