The Leadership of the Republican Party sold management of Iraq to the most well-connected bidder, and their incompetence and cronyism has put our troops at risk. Thanks to the mismanagement and incompetence of Republican cronyism, Iraq is in civil war, its economy is in shambles, and America is less safe.
In the three years of the Iraq war, the Do Nothing Congress has not held a single oversight hearing on the war in Iraq, leaving our troops and prolonging their being stuck in the middle of a budding sectarian civil war.
Democrats have a long history of proper wartime oversight. Senator Harry S. Truman was a beacon for honesty and truth in the years he chaired the U.S. Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program , or, as many know it best, the Truman Committee, during and after WWII.
Senator Truman will forever remain the foundation for how Democrats govern in a time of war. Truman is the example of proper governmental oversight and responsible behavior during war time.
So, I have to ask “why?,” when we have the tonnage of that is the records of the Truman Committee, do we, the American People, continue to keep silent when the Republican Do Nothing Congress have abdicated their responsibility and left our military men and women in the line of fire without any real protection from home.
It’s disgusting, it’s reprehensible, it’s irresponsible, and, in my opinion, it’s un-American.