I made my way over to the “Support the Troops Freedom Rally” in Sugar House this morning expecting an anti-Democrat slug fest of speakers. I was pleasantly surprised, until the last two speakers, that this was an Honest-to-Pete pro-troop rally. For the most part.

The only anti-Democrat sentiments popped up from the event’s Master of Ceremonies, the Attorney General of Utah, a UVSC professor who invented, on the spot, a brand new section of the US Constitution, and the guy who ran the protest, he says, against Michael Moore’s visit to UVSC last year, but this was a minority of the speakers and sentiments. These guys don’t much care much for Democrats.

Paul Holton, or Chief Wiggles, from the outstanding organization Operation Give, was the head coordinator for this rally, and, to be honest, it was well put together. Nice location on a nice sunny day with trees and grass and flags and fore-and-aft caps everywhere you looked.

As I finally approached the group of about 300 people, a bugler started playing reveille. Everyone stopped and silence dropped over the crowd. Hands flew up to cover hearts and those in fore-and-aft caps saluted. The bugler, by the way, was flawless. A young lady with a pretty voice started singing the National Anthem. Then she did the second verse. The Legionnaire next to me mumbled “show off” and we shared a nice chuckle. I’m pretty sure he didn’t know I was a Democrat. No one did, which was great, because that meant that no one was going to bust my chops. I felt good. I felt alight with an outstanding sense of…something. I was surrounded by legionnaires, Utahns and patriotic folks and no one was making up stuff about Democrats. I was happy to be there. It didn’t last long, though, and I begin with blaming the media and then move on to blame Republicans.

I saw a lot of familier faces in the crows. People I’ve seen at Democratic functions over the years. We gave our secret signals and nodded, no one wanting to be outted. I’d like to believe that it’s my magnetic personality or my stunning good looks that made a few members of the media notice me, but I’m pretty sure it’s the goofy hair cut. Needless to say, I was gestured over and passed around from reporter to reporter like a community soda with the repeated phrase: “You’re a Democratic, you don’t support the troops, what are you doing here?”


They were joking, but, after the last few days of media coverage, the joke was flat. Over and over again I stated the Democratic positions about our support for the troops, our support of the military and pointed out piece after piece of anti-veteran, anti-servicemen, anti-military families legislation and funding cuts passed by the Republican Controlled Congress over the last 5 years. I covered the military, veteran and POW/MIA sections of the Utah Democratic Party Platform (available at www.utdemocrats.org). I was met time after time with blank stares and the comment: “Really?” Yeah, really.

Just because Senator Hatch, Senator Bennett, Rep. Cannon and Rep Bishop, James Evans and Jeff Heartly make wild and radically dishonest statements about Democrats does not mean that they are telling the truth. In point of fact, they are making things up.


There were a lot of wonderful statements made by almost every speaker. Even the speakers who were being rude, from time to time (to folks like me, because they didn’t think there were any Democrats in the crowd), spoke far more sentences of love and care about those who have served, those who are serving and those who will serve in the future. It was touching and I was moved several times.

ASIDE: I’ve talked about feelings a few times already, so, in an effort to get my reputation back in line, I did, while talking to a KTVX reporter state that I would happily commit a violent act against Fred Phelps if I saw him in town, if it weren’t illegal. Just sayin’.

I can’t find a copy of the guest list anywhere and I kept missing speaker’s names because certain members of the press kept making jokes at my expense. I am very happy that I went and stayed for the entire thing (though the last two speakers were out of line. I am not going to Hell for being a Democrat and I’m getting pretty sick of hearing that from people I’m not related to).

The entire event was tidy, sweet and, for the most part, really very cool. Showing support for America’s Military Men and Women is always a good cause.

Regardless of political party or persuasion, I think that most folks can agree that the work performed by Operation Give is worthy of the highest praise and attention. Take a look at the website and look at their mission. Good job, Paul, keep up the good work.

Visit Operation Give Here: http://www.operationgive.org/