Today thousands of Democrats and other concerned citizens came out to Washington Square to stand up for our troops. It is obvious the status quo is not bringing the results repeatedly promised by the Bush Administration, and it was a privilege to witness so many citizens willing to take advantage of their First Amendment rights and petition their government to abandon Middle East policies that have clearly failed.
The Utah State Democratic Party distributed 2,000 American flags to those in attendance. Each flag featured a sticker with one of several Democratic values Democrats across Utah and the nation are running on in 2006: 1) Provide Veterans’ Benefits & Real Security for Americans; 2) Honest & Open Government; 3) Energy Independence; 4) Economic Prosperity & Educational Excellence; 5) A Healthcare System that Works for Everyone, and; 6) Retirement Security.
Thanks to everyone that took time out of their schedule to come out and excercise their constitutional rights today. It is heartening to see so many individuals that will not be cowed by rhetoric labeling them as traitors or using fear to intimidate people into support for a failed strategy.