I’ve been listening to KSL since I was a little kid. My dad gets a kick out of telling stories of catching my skipping elementary school to sit at home and listen to the news on KSL. He’d catch me because I was always calling in to express my 8 year old’s opinion on the news of the day, and, of course, dad listened to KSL as well.
This was during the heady days of Danny Kramer and Mark Van Wagoner. They were both childhood heros of mine.
So, now we have the NIGHTSIDE PROJECT. KSL has not been this fun to listen to in decades (yeah, I’m that old). Honest to Pete, it’s just fun. But, good grief, don’t pay attention to all that “liberal media” crap that some folks keep talking about. These guys are equal opportunity offenders.
KSL Nightside Project
Weekdays 7 – 11pm
1160 on the AM Dial
102.7 for you newfangled FM listeners