Paul beat me to the punch on something I was working on this morning so, I’ll point you to his article: CLICKY
…Notwithstanding the $1 billion, $350 million, or whatever the latest budget surplus number supplied by government officials might be, Utah still can’t afford to provide health insurance for half its estimated 70,000 uninsured children…
…And even though Utah boasts large surpluses, not a dime of Utah tax money pays for the insurance program for low-income children. It comes out of the multistate settlement against tobacco companies that former Attorney General Jan Graham had to drag the legislators, kicking and screaming, into participating…
…While the number of uninsured children nationwide is declining, in Utah it is rising, says Utah Children director Karen Crompton…
So, take the time to send your thanks to Sen. Valentine and Rep. Curtis for once again showing Utahns how much children mean to the Republicans in Utah’s Government. Great job, fellas.