Want to try and stop our Republican Senators from ramming a bill through the Senate that holds the minimum wage increase hostage to even more massive tax breaks for the very rich?

In a repulsive political maneuver long after midnight Saturday morning, the House linked a $2-an-hour increase in the minimum wage to tax breaks for multimillion dollar estates that will cost the U.S. Treasury some $750 billion—forcing cuts in food and health care assistance for low-wage workers, as well as unemployment help.

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Political observers call this one of the most cynical legislative maneuvers they’ve seen in years. Republican House leaders were so desperate to cut the estate tax for a small number of very rich families—and so afraid of facing constituents who are demanding a minimum wage hike—they abandoned all shame on this one. Now the Senate must act.

USA Population: 295,734,134
People who benefit from the estate tax repeal – 7,500