What a gem I found in the San Diego Union Tribune this morning.

I would appear that the GOP knows no shame. No shame at all.

This is from the article:

Ultimately, Cunningham, who served 15 years in Congress, “is just another retiring member,” said Sarasin, a former congressman from Connecticut in the 1970s who has headed the historical society since 2000.

“We know what happened. He did retire under a cloud,” he said.

Cunningham’s name is included on the invitation to honor the lawmakers “for their hard work, service, time and the sacrifices made in upholding the office with which they were entrusted.”

As a convicted felon, Cunningham is not seen by many as someone who upheld his office.

This is pretty out there, right? Well, it’s not over yet:

Among those honored with Cunningham will be former Rep. Tom Delay, R-Texas, who recently resigned from Congress amid several federal investigations of his dealings and an indictment over allegations of campaign money laundering in his home state.

Some think the society’s action is ridiculous.

Well, I certainly do. So, if you take the time to read the whole article, I’d like you ask one question: Where is the GOP in saying “thanks, but, no thanks, ‘Duke’ is in prison and this is inappropriate.” Yup. Nowhere.

Great job, GOP. What a class act.