If you bothered to read your SLTRIB on Tuesday, you may have read an article about the Special Session up on Utah’s capitol hill scheduled for Wednesday. Click here for the official proclamation
Now, I realize that having a head of state from a foreign country is pretty heady stuff, especially when you see the list of previous dignitaries. If the list I saw yesterday is correct. We’ve even had a visit from the leader of a fictional country from a Star Wars movie (though, it might be in Europe somewhere). What I fail to understand is how being indignant that the President of a pretty big country wants to ignore the press translates to missing what follows:
Even after all the ballyhoo about Utah’s giant surplus, the legislature is still coming up millions short on dental health care for Utahns in need. We still have inexcusable, unforgivable situation with the disability waiting list. There are very important issues, very critical situation that are entirely time sensitive, but what are we given to understand about tomorrow’s session?
The proposed number to help on the dental health problem is millions short of where it needs to be to just maintain the current list.
The Lt. Governor needs a giant raise. Oh, and everyone at the Governor’s office needs one too.
You tell me, folks, what do think is going to happen Wednesday? The right thing?
PS: Oh, and don’t forget this one: Authorizing the state Tax Commission to share confidential tax information with the Governor’s Office and Legislature to assure accuracy of revenue estimates. -What does this one mean? Remember, folks, we heard it this year, Republicans in the legislature know more than the voters, so, sharing confidential information with them MUST be okay. Right? Yeah, didn’t think so.