The DNC put out a press release yesterday that named Iron County Democratic Party Chair, and Chair of the Utah State Democratic Party Veteran’s and Military Families Caucus, Larry Daniel to the Democratic National Veterans and Military Families Council. The Fighting Democrats also launched a new web site that you can see here.

County Parties and Candidate Campaigns are gearing up for the convention season. We hope that everyone will be able to make time for both their county conventions and the State Party Convention this year. You can find more information here.

Final numbers from the Precinct Caucus Meetings are in and it looks like a record setting year. Thanks to the efforts of active Democrats across the state, hard working County Party officers, tireless volunteers, and the DNC funded coordinators at the State Party office, this year’s mass meetings were showed an amazing turn out. Thanks to everyone who helped by participating. Keep it up; we’re a few short months from Election Day.

Also, later this month, the Utah Stonewall Caucus is hosting Congressman Barney Frank for dinner at the University of Utah. There are more details at the State Party Website.

Oh, and, in case you missed it, Rep Tom DeLay quit just about everything this week.