A lot of conflicting emotions surround this week’s legislative session.
Litvack’sHB90, the Criminal Penalty Amendments bill (re: the Hate Crimes Bill), endured several 11th hour changes and compromises, made it’s way back to the House floor and passed almost unanimously. There was what seemed to be a spontaneous round of applause and many smiling faces. Whatever the circumstances, it is a great step in the right direction, and Rep. Litvack deserves our deepest respect for this long, arduous fight.
Those who voted against HB90:
Margaret Dayton, R-Orem
John Dougall, R-American Fork
Michael Morley, R-Spanish Fork
Stephen Urquhart, R-St. George
The Legislative session ends next Wednesday and your Democratic Senators and Representatives are still fighting to protect Utah’s values and way of life. It’s a difficult task that they perform, and there are scant few moments of elation, especially this year, but there they go, session after session, doing their best for you. After the session, make sure to send them a letter and let them know you noticed the hard work and sacrifice they’ve made. Oh, and, maybe, send along $4.99* in cookies, as a way to say thanks.
So, with that in mind, may I remind you…
March 7, 2006 to
March 17, 2006