Democrats in the Utah State House and Senate are continuing their fight to protect and expand Utah’s quality of life. The overt and blatant attempts (with some bizarre successes) by our Republican Legislature to seize any and all semblances of power are getting national and international attention. Utah State Democratic Party Chair Wayne Holland was even mentioned, in a positive way, on a couple of national news programs, concerning the Wayne Holland Democratic Tour of Warning. It wasn’t much, but, it was morethan we’ve received from our own press here at home.
We are watching a few bills pretty closely right now. First is Senator McCoy’s SB212, which is making some serious progress, against all expectations. The bill helps fund higher education opportunities for the survivors and dependants of military servicemen and servicewomen.
Also on the watch list is the bizarre and completely befuddling life of Rep. Cosgrove’s HB407. This is the Counseling for Families of Veterans bill that will plug a gaping hole in military dependant services and help prepare families for the return offamily members serving in combat.
Somehow, this bill has completely flummoxed the Office of Legislative Council who cannot fathom why such a bill would be needed, but seem fully able to wrap their efforts around Origin of Species and repeal of the US Constitution.