I’m getting old. Already out of shape, as it were, whatever that means anymore. This next week is going to end kinda awful.

First – not going to be recording next weekend, so no new shows for the end of August. Why? Partially JC is doing Shakespeare in the Backyard, and, for me, Dr Volts is getting a make-over and it’s all hands on deck to do the demo work, hauling out everything in the store, and then moving it back in a couple of days later.

Second – I have to be honest, I am NOT looking forward to any of it, mostly because I’m old and broken. Future projection says I’m going to regret several bad decisions I’ve not yet made, but will totally make, because I am who I am. LOL – Brain tells body it’s still 20 years old, and body behaves as if that’s true. Then, a couple of days later – lots of pain. It’s a cycle of self abuse I am all too familiar with, because, newsflash, I have to live with this idiot.

TODAY though, SUNDAY the 22nd, is a big day. Tonight we’re doing a The LEFT Show & World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast meetup at the Cinemark Salt Lake 16 Theater to watch Star Trek IV: Save The Whales 35th Anniversary Special REMASTERED. 7pm – tickets still available!

I love all things Trek, and it was fun dragging Tiffany to the anniversary edition of Star Trek: The Motion Picture last year. So, I have the car ride over to remind her what happened in Wrath of Khan and Search for Spock to explain what’s going on at the beginning of the movie, and why they’re in a Klingon Bird of Prey.

Super important conversation.

The week ahead looks ominous, but the week behind ends with something awesome, so, there we are.

See you next week!