It’s Monday in America, time for The World’s Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, JM Bell has JC and Christoph on the show to talk about problems, and, of course, to solve them all.  The right wing is getting all murdery, regardless of country, and their noise machines are already killing people. The pandemic is making a lopsided return in all the places that the Right holds power, but Tucker has pearls to clutch.

#517 The World’s Greatest Political Podcast – The LEFT Show 

Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, too!


The LEFT Show Links


2 California Men Have Been Charged With Plotting To Bomb
Police feared a ‘Las Vegas-style shooting’
GOP lawmakers gleefully urge activists to call and thank Senators Manchin and Sinema
Four Iranians charged with plotting to kidnap author living in Brooklyn


Psaki Calls Out Doocy For ‘Loaded And Inaccurate Question’
Apple has removed Fakespot from its App Store
Officials Pull ‘Emergency Lever’ at Lake Powell
Library Apologizes For Hosting ‘Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey’


Oreo Thins’ New Protection Program
Biden Revives Net Neutrality, Targets Big Broadband Providers
Indigenous children finally headed home
Winner who paid $30m for space flight with Bezos won’t go due to ‘scheduling conflicts’


Journal Retracts Flawed Study That Claimed to Show Face Masks Harm Kids
Shelby County will not follow state ban on promoting childhood vaccinations
Tucker Carlson still won’t say if he is vaccinated against COVID-19
Covid cases reported in Olympic village


Here’s the terrifying reason Republicans are lying about Ashli Babbitt
Free heroin, cocaine and meth handed out outside of the Vancouver Police Department
Kraft unveils limited edition mac and cheese ice cream
Cape Cod restaurant closes for ‘day of kindness’
National General Strike