It’s Monday in America, time for the World’s Greatest Political Podcast ™ – The LEFT Show. This week JM Bell, JC Carter, and Clarity Sanderson talk about the problems with American Christianity, truth on Fox News, and Mike Pence does Jesus wrong, wrong, wrong.

Trump whines, McConnell lies, Graham hides, and a Canadian news conglomerate behaves decisively non-Canadian. The highlights from the first two Democratic Debates are spoken, and PUPPIES! All this and more!

#425 The World’s Greatest Political Podcast – The LEFT Show

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The LEFT Show Links

Jerry Falwell Jr. questions evangelical leader over criticism
Shepard Smith: ‘President Said That ‘We Are Treating the Children Very Well’
Mike Pence defends withholding soap from imprisoned children
How US policy in Honduras set the stage for today’s migration

9/11 First Responders to Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham
9/11 first responder Luis Alvarez who appeared before Congress with Jon Stewart dies

Fox News cuts Trump livefeed after he whines
Canadian Cartoonist Fired After His Trump Cartoon Goes Viral

Megan Rapinoe accepts Ocasio-Cortez offer

People Can Now Adopt Dogs Who Failed Government Training

Watch Highlights From Round 1 Of The First Democratic Debate
Watch Highlights From The First Democratic Debate, Day Two
Kamala Harris Raises $2 Million Online in 24 Hours After Her Debate Performance

Ethics panel launches Gaetz investigation over Cohen tweet