It’s Monday in America, time for the World’s Greatest Political Podcast ™ – The LEFT Show. This week JM Bell, Clarity Sanderson and JC Carter spend a few minutes talking about grief processing and dirty tricks. Let’s take some time to visit the states: New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. Then, on to Virginia! Oh, boy.

Jason is back with Part 6 of The Sidetrack’s continuing series on Beating Trump in 2020. Whether she ends up the nominee or not, Elizabeth Warren sailed where Cory Booker failed in hammering the message Democrats need to embrace to not only beat Trump but do what Democrats have been afraid to do for decades: take on the entire system.

#409 The World’s Greatest Political Podcast – The LEFT Show

iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play, too!

Forrest Shaw | Memorial & Wake Fundraiser

N.M. Governor Pulls National Guard From Border, Citing A ‘Charade’ At Federal Level
GOP sees scandals as chance to halt bluing of Virginia
Colorado could pass law giving transgender people new birth certificates
Utah is the second-most sexist state, researchers say
Ruth Bader Ginsburg saw Kate McKinnon portray her on ‘SNL.’ Here’s what she thought
Ellen Page just thrashed Chris Pratt on Twitter & she has a good point
The dumpster fire that is Virginia politics, explained in 500 words
It falls to African Americans (again) to explain why blackface is so offensive
Candace Owens says Hitler’s nationalism was OK
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wore a pin with a picture of the 7-year-old Guatemalan girl
IRS: Average Tax Refund Down 8.4 Percent Under Trump Tax Scam