It’s Monday in America, time for the World’s Greatest Political Podcast ™ – The LEFT Show. This week JM Bell, Clarity Sanderson and JC Carter cover the news from the week you’d thought you’d left behind. Jeff takes a few minutes to say good-bye to passed friends before the gang lights into the Trump Gang. Shiny seas, Roger Stone, and the sainted Dolly Parton all make a show. All this and the GOP Jesus Wanker of the Week!
Jason is back with Part 4 of The Sidetrack’s continuing series on Beating Trump in 2020. It’s not the tribalism or the polarization stopping Dems from dealing with economic or social inequality. Political and social identities have never been separate. It’s the conservatives, stupid. Democrats need to own that.
#407 The World’s Greatest Political Podcast – The LEFT Show
iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play, too!